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Parthale jeevitham ie vidha
parthale jeevitham iee vidha
jeevitham ithupolenthullu
ullam kalangunna nerathum
athimadamodihe vaazh’varaarullu
kristhyajeevithame athu bhagyamathe
athin aazham arinjidukil (2)
illa ie vidham’aashrayippaanithu
poloru maargavum’idharayil
utta snehitharum svantha bandhukkalum
pettorammayum thallidukil (2)
thallathullam karathil vahicheshu
marvvodu cherthu nadathidume;- parthale…
theraa rogathilum kashda’nashdathilum
shishda jeevitham aayidilum (2)
ettam shreshdamennenni njaan sthothra
gaanam padum paril enneshuvinaay;- parthale…

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