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Pathukampi veenayode
1 pathukampi veenayode
chernnu paadam yeshuvine
kalvariyilen paapam pokkaan
paanjozhuki thiruninam
2 ethrra naal loka mruthyupaathe
thathrapettodi njaan vruthaavaay
maaya lokam vendenikkini
malpraanapriynte paatha mathi;-
3 ethrayethra shuddhar ganam
pattupoyi iee porkkalathil
veenidaathe ottam thikappaan
thaangidane thrikkaikalil;-
4 allal thingidumee maruvil
aasha vidaathe yaathra thudaraam
kannin manipoleshu naathan
karathilanpaay thaangidum;-
5 mulmudi choodi yerushalemin
veethiyiloode nadanna naathan
ponnin kireedam choodiyorunaal
raajaadhi raajaavaayi vanneedume;-
6 muthumanimaya vinpuriyil
palunku nadiyude therathe
jeevaevrikshaephalam bhujippan

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