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Pava Sanjalathai Neeka Pirana


1 Pava Sanjalathai Neeka Pirana Nanbarthan Undey
Pava Baram Theernthupoga Meitpar Patham Thanjamey
Sala Thukka Thunbathaley Nenjam Nonthu Sorungal

2 Kasta Nastam Undanalum Yesuvandai Seyruvom
Mosa Nasam Neyritalum Jeba Thobam Katuvom
Neekuvarey Nenjin Novai Balaveenam Thanguvar
Neekuvarey Mana Sorvai Theeya Gunam Matruvar

3 Balavenamana Pothum Kirubasanam Undey
Panthu Janam Sagum Pothum Pugalidam Idhuvey
Opillatha Pirana Neysa Ummai Nambi Neysipom
Alavatra Arulnatha Ummai Nokki Kenjuvom


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