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Pedi venda lesham (poy bhayamellam)
1 Pedi venda lesham, koode njan ennum
Parkumenna vaakken, deepamaayennum
Kooriruttin madhye koode sobhichen
Paatha kaanicheedum thaniye vidapeda
Poy bhayamellam poy bhayamellaam
Thaan kaivida sanneham illlathinnottum
2 shobhayerum pookkal vaadi veezhunnu
suryakaanthi koode maanjupokume
sharon thaaraam yeshu paarakkum anthike
vaanill kaanthiyam thaan thaniye vittidumo;- poy...
3 maargam andhakaaram aayitheernnaalum
aapalkkaalamente bhaagamakilum
yeshunaadhan ennil aasha cherkkunnu
modam ekum vaakyam thaniye vidappedaa;- poy...

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