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song/hymn lyrics

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Prabhu mujhe na chodega


prabhu mujhe na chodega
chalayega har pal mujhe (2)

annt tak pankho kai tale
sambhalega vo jag mai (2)
sankato mai, rogo mai (2)
vo hi mera asra

aansuo ki taraiyo mai
vedna jab aye (2)
na chodega, hath mera (2)
aansuo ko pochega prabhu

andhi aur toofan jab aaye
jeevan kai naiya mai aye (2)
har samay, sath mere (2)
prabhu mera hi sahara

swarg mai mera ghar hai taiyar
jaldi mera priy aayega (2)
sewa kar kai, din talenge (2)
ghar pahuchunga mai akhir mai


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