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Prana nathha jeeva nathha
prana nathha jeeva nathha
prana preya enneshuve
aaradhikkum angeyennum
aayussin nalkal nandiyaal
haleluyyaa... hallaluyyaa...
haleluyyaa... halaluyyaa€¦
1 chettil kidanna enne uyarthiye
papakkuzhiyil ninnum kayatiye
kristhavam paramel etamuyarthiye
pon karathalenne thangiye;-
2 shathruvamenne mithram'aakkiye
doshiyaamenne pakshamakkiye
aa maha sneham ithramelekaan
yogyanaay therthathi modaal
3 dasanamenne puthranakkiye
nithyamam avakashamekiye
krushile sneham aa mahasneham
yogyanay therthathi modaal
James John, Thonniamala

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