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Prarthippan krupayekane yachippan
Prarthippan krupayekane
yachippan kanivekane
varamarulane krupa choriyane
priyaneyen yeshu natha(2)
1 bharangal nin chumalil eeridumpol
dukhangalellam mattidumpol(2)
nandiyodennum nin marodu charuvan
eekane aathmavil shakthiyennum(2)
2 jeevitham krupakalal niranjidumpol
ennullil aanandameridumpol(2)
sthothramodennum nin savidhe varuvaan
nalkane navinmel sthuthigethangal(2)
3 en vazhiyellam adanjidumpol
munpil nee pathakal thurannidumpol(2)
thazhmayodennum nin pade anayan
kaniyane daivame ennumennum(2)
Maramon C S

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