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Prathippan padippikka daivatmave
Prathippan padippikka daivatmave nee
Yakkobin daivame sradhichidename
1 Prarthanakkai njangale orukkenam
Kathidunnengal nin sannidhi thannil
2 Sushkanilam jalam dahikkumpole
Thawl krupakkai njangal dahikkunnayyo
3 Manamothu prathichal kettidamennu
Kanivode vegatham thannaven neeye
4 Yesuvin namathil yachikkum krupakal
Leasvum thamasiyatharul chaika
5 Thiruvishtamarinju chothichiduvanai
Karalalinjakatharil varenam daivatma
6 Manamothappostholar prarthchaneram
Ghanamode danangal ayachapolinnum
7 Ayyo nee vegam chevikkollename
Poyyallatmavu thalarunnengalil
8 Kelkenamee prarthana yesumoolam
Dukkamodadiyangal kumbidunnayyo

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