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Prethyasha vardhicheedunne
Prethyasha vardhicheedunne ente
Prethyasha vardhicheedunne (2)
Nithya bhavanathin vaasam orthaal ennil
Prethyasha vardhicheedunne (2)
Yuddhavum bhukampavum uyarnnidunne
Jaathi thanne jaathiyoduu kalahikkunne (2)
Maanavaraakave nadungidunne
Karthaavin varavinaaya orungidaam naam(2);-
Dinakaran irulunna kaalamaduthe
Chandranum mangidum naaladuthe (2)
Nakshathrangal pathikkunna samayamithe
Karthaavin varavinaaya orungidaam naam(2);-
Aakaashathin shakthikal ilakidume
Bhuvile panikalum erinjidume (2)
Paapavazhiyil veenu nashichidaathe
Karthaavin varavinaaya orungidaam naam(2);-
Sister Suja Mathew

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