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Pukazhtheedaam yeshuvine
1 pukazhtheedaam yeshuvine
krooshile jayaaliye
sthuthicheedaam yeshuvine
sthuthikkavan yogyanallo (2)
aaraadhikkaam yeshuvine (yeshuekristhuvine)
adhikaaram ullavane
vanangeedaam daiva kunjnjaadine
aarilumunnathane (2)
2 vishvasikkaam yeshuvine
eka rakshakane
ettu parayam yeshuvine
kathathi karthavine
3 snehicheedaam yeshuvine
eetam preeyanaayone
sevicheedaam yeshuvine
innumennum ananyane (2)
4 ghoshichidaam yeshuvine
sathya suvisheshathe
nokkippaarkkaam yeshuvine
veendum varunnavane (2)
Blesson Memana

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