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Pukazthin(2) ennum pukaztheeduvin
Pukazthin pukazthin ennum pukaztheeduvin
Yeshudevane pukaztheeduvin
Aathmanathanaven swargathathanaven
Ente aashrayavum avan than;-
Aa santhoshamay sthuthi padiduvin
Aathmanathane vaztheeduvin
Sarvashakthanaven rajarajnaven
Veendum megathil vannedume
Thiru'vagdathathal namme veendeduppan
Karthan kalvariyil yagamay
Chuduchora chinti nathan snehichallo
Namme swargeeyarakiduvan:-
Lokam pakacheedilum nindayereedilum
Preeyan aashvasmekidume
Thante aathmavinal namme ennumaven
Bhuvil nityavum vazhi'nadathum;-
Kartthan meghamathil thante dutharumay
Veendum vannidunna sudinam
Naamum kaanthanumay dutha sanchayatthil
Ennum seeyonil vaanidume;-

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