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Rajadhirajan mahimayode vana
Rajadhirajan mahimayode
vana’meghathil ezhunnellaaraai
1 klesam theernnu nam nithyam vasippan
Vasam’orukan poya priyan than
2 nindha kashtatha parihasangal
dhushikalellam theran kalamai
3 prana priyante ponnumugathe
thejassode nam kanman kalamai
4 kanthanumayi vasam cheyuvan
kalam samepamayi priyare
5 orungininnor thannodukude
maniarayil vazhan kalamai
6 yuga’yugamai priyan kude nam
vazhum sudhinam aasannamai
7 kahaladwoni kelkum mathrayil
maru’rupamai parannidaray

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