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Sab kuch yehsu hi mera sab


Sab kuch yeshu he, mera sab kuch yeshu he
is dunuya mem mere liya, sab kuch yeshu he

1 dukh musubath ke vakth mem, thassalli vah detha he
uske pamkom ke neeche mem surashith rahatha hum

2 marubhumi jagah mem, manna mujko detha he
mara ke pani ko mujko, meta krke detha he

3 pap ki kshema detha he, rog se mukthi detha he
pranom ko bechatha he, voh uttham chesom detha he

4 jeevan ki rotti voh he, jeevan ka paani voh he
jo usmem se katha-pitha, unnath jeevan patha he

5 matha-pitha, bhai-bhanom bandu-mitha sab janom
meri kushi mera bel aur mera sab kuch yeshu he


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