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Sagara swargga bhumikal
Saagara swargga bhumikal sarvvam rachicha naadane!
Ninthirumumbil veenithaa praarthdichidunn adiyangal
1 Praarthdana kelkku yeshuve! utharamekane kshanam
Vishwaasathin karam neetti yaachichidunnu nin sabha
2 Koythinnu paakamaay vayal koyyuvaan daasare venam
Vanvila koythidaan prabho! daasare vegamekane
3 Ninne marannurangunnu nin sabha bhoovil naadhane!
Aanikaletta ninkaram neettiyunarthu kaanthaye
4 Andhakaarathin shakthikal keezhadakkunnu bhoomiye
Nin makkal bhoovil shobhippaan ninkrupayekane paraa!
5 Veezhchakal thaazhchakal ellaam enniyaalereundaho!
Puthrante naamathilava muttum kshamichidename-

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