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Samarppikkunne njaan enne ninkkaay
samarppikkunne njaan enne ninakkaay
sampurnnamaay nathhaa(2)
nadathukenne ninte paathayil
nayikkukenne nee nalla nayaka(2)
1 kaalvari malayil kurishile raktham
sathanil jayam kondallo(2)
thirurakthathal kazukiyenne
shudimanay dinam therthiduvan(2)
2 nin vachanngal en kaalinu deepam
paathakku prakashvume(2)
aashrayikkunne vachanathil njaan
aagrahangkale ariyename(2)
3 rakshyam paricha neeyenikku thannu
enne kathu palichavane(2)
kathiduka nee anthyam vareyum
pathridathe nin sannidhiyil (2)

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