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Sampannanam daivam tharunnoru
sampannanam daivam tharunnoru
sampadyam mathram santhushdiyekum(2)
1 anyaya labha dhanavum aadabara mohavum
aakarshichedukil orthedume njaan
jeevante aadhaaram sampaadyamo(2)
2 ie loka dhana sukhangal maadi vilichedukil
jadathin ragangal krushichu nithyavum
dhanathin mohathe jayachedume(2)
3 ellaa vidha doshavum dravyagraham moolame-
bhauthika nettangal danam ennorthu naam
snehathin aathmaavil pangkuvaykkaam(2)
Maramon C S

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