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Santhoshippin veendum
Santhoshippin veendum santhoshippin
Swarga santhoshathal niravin
Sarvva sampurnanaam nathan chaithatham
Nanmakal dhyanichu santhoshikkam
1 Rakshakanam priyante
Paalakan Yeshuvinte
Namam uyarthuka naam
Naalthorum aamodamai-ennum;-
2 Papathil ninnu namme
Koriyeduthu paran
Shashvathamam parayil
Paadam niruthiyathal-ennum;-
3 Kristhuvin kashtangkalil
Santhoshippin priyare
aatmeeya geethangkalal-ennum;-
4 rogangkal vanneedilum
bharangal eeredilum
saukhyam pakarnnu paran
santhosham thannathinaal-ennum;-

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