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Seeyon sanjcharikale ningal sheghram
Seeyon sanjcharikale ningal sheghram unarnnukolven
Seeyon yathra maddhye ningal enthinurangidunnu(2)
1 Shethakalam kazhinju marippoy mazhayum priyare
pushpangalithabhoomimel kanappedunnu nannay(2);- seeyo
2 athivriksham thalirthu thante pachakkaykal tharunnu
Munthiriyilam kulakal saurabhyam thookidunnu(2);- seeyo
3 ethratholam urangum ningal bodhamillaathiniyum
mathranerathinnu karthan vannanjedumaho(2);- seeyo
4 karthan varunna neram ningal nidrayilakumengkil
ethra parithapamennu orthukonde kshanathil(2);- seeyo
5 vegamunarnniduka svarggaseeyon thiru sabhaye
vegam neeyunarnnu kaanman kathirikkunnu karthan(2);- seeyo

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