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Sthuthicheeduvin keerthanagal devanu
Sthuthichiduveen keerthanangal Devanu paadiduvin
Sthuthi uchitham manoharavum nallathumennarivin
Devaathidevanne paaril vannu papiye thedivannu
Vallabhanai marichuyarthu jeevikkunnu namukkai
Thirukkarangal nirathivachu tharakangal gagane
Orukki’avan namukku rakshaa maarga’mathinnu munname
Kandilla kannukalee karunayin karachalanam
Kettilla maanavarin kaathukal than vachanam
Thalamurayaai avan namukku nalloru sankethamam
Palamura naam paadeeduka paramanu sankirthanam
Dyanikuvin thankrupakal pukazthuvin than kriyakal
Manithanam than nama mahimakal varnnikuvin;-
Manam thakarnnorkarulumaven krupaude paricharanam
Dhanam sukam santhoshamellam namukuthan thirucharanam

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