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Sthuthiyum aradhanaum karthavinai
Sthuthiyum aaradanayum karthavinay
En shakthiyum balavum daivathinay
Eekunnu najnitha purnnamay
Niraykuka aathmavin puthubalathal
Ha….lelu…. Halleluyah (2)
Thazchayilenne orthallo
Vedanayilenne thangiyello
Sworga’rajye ethuvolam
Paril ninakai padedum.
Ha….lelu…. Halleluyah (2)
Unaruka aathmavin balam darichu
Swarga’rajye poyiduvan
Dhutha’rodathangu aaradippan
Kalam iniyum’erayilla
Ha….lelu…. Halleluyah (2)

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