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Swargeeya birugali
Svargiya birugali nanna mele beesiah
Parivala dhantheye nanna mele baaraiah (2)
Jaladha mele chalisidha parishudha aathmane (2)
Baladhindha balakagi Nanna mele nelasaiah (2)
Monakala varagella sontadha varagella (2)
Eeju aala bekaiah yeledhukondu hogaiah (2)
Agnia abhisheka indhu beku dhevare (2)
Yendhedhigu nan pathre thunbi hariya madaiah (2)
Agnia Rathadhali nanna kondu hogaiah (2)
Dhevadhutharodane aaradhisa madaiah (2)

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