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Swargeeya manalan velippedaraayi
Swargeeya manalan velippedaraayi
marubhooprayaanam thernnidaaraay(2)
en kannukalanudinam kothichedunne
megharoodanay varumente priyane kaanaan(2)
1 kannukaḷ kaṇÄtha kurudar
kÄthukaḷ kēḷkkÄtha cekidar(2)
Äaghoá¹£hÄravathÄl karthane vÄzhthidum
ÄanandÄ gethaá¹…gkaḷ padÄ«dum;-
2 kahaḷangkal muzhaṅgkidumpol
vishuddharuyirthu paṟakkum(2)
kaṇṇimeykkum nÄ“raá¹ kÄnthanumÄy chÄ“rum
kaṇṇerillÄtha vedathil(2);-
3 puthiyorÄvakashaá¹ bhÅ«miyilum
vrÌ¥ithanmÄrkku swarggÄ“ labhikkum(2)
kaṇkaḷ kÄṇÄthathuá¹ chinthichÄ«dÄthathum
annu prÄpichÄ«duá¹ viÅ›huddhar(2);-
George Mathai

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