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Tera Darshan pane ki
Tera darshan, paane ki hai lagan
Tera darshan, paane ko tarse man
Mere liye, meri saza sahane waale
Hey Naath Yeeshu, Priyatam mere
Naa bujhegi ye pyaas, Tujhe dekhe bina
Poori hogi naa aas, Prabhu milan bina
Dukhon se pare, Prabhu tere rajya mein
Santon sang raj ka, aa rahaa samay
Hai nishane ki or, meri ye daud
Is duniya ke laabh ka, mujhe nahin moh
Teri bahon mein, rahoon main sadaa
Teri aradhana, karoon sarvadaa
Iype Isaac (trans Pr Wilson George)

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