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Thangum karangal ellaam
1 thangum karangal ellaam maridumpol
kaanum snehithar ellaam akannidumpol
thangaay marum en prananathan
charum nathante marvidathil
yeshuve neeyennaashrayam
nathane en aashrayam
neeyen balavum kottayum
anthyatholam nadathidum
2 roga dukhangal ellaam eridumpol
kashdanashdangal ellaam perukidumpol
krushin snehathal neridum njaan
krupa balathal ennum jayichidume;-
3 kattum kolum ellaa thiramalayum
kshama bhukampangal mahaa vyadhiyum
thakarthidilla ente svarga geham
nathan nalkidum ennum nithyathayil;-
Boby C Sunny

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