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Thottu sugamakkum iya -Tamil
1 thottu sugamakkum Iya Yesuvey
neer thottal podum enthan valkkai marumey (2)
Marumey, Marumey, Marumey, Ellam Marumey
Thottu sugamakkum Iya Yesuvey, Yesuvey
Neer thottal podum enthan valkkai marumey (2)
2 Ettikai pol kasakkum enthan valkayai
Um pasa kaikal etti intru thodanumey - 2
Kattipidithane undan padam
Kartha enthan kadaral kelum (2)
Thodanumey, ennai thodanumey (2) Thottu
3 Kadanum udanum ennai mudakka mudiyathey
Kadal mel nadantha karthar €“ ennodirrukinrar;(2)
Kadal mel ennai nadakka cheivar
Kadanai ellam mara cheivar €“ 2
Marumey marumey Marumey ellam marumey €“ Thottu
4 Kuraivai enni pulambuvadhai nirththuven
Niraivaai ennai nadathubavar irppadhal
illai enbadhu enakkillai
thollai endadhu tuliyumillai
illaiye thollai illaiye

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