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Thrikkarangal enne nadathum
Thrikkarangal enne nadathum
Akkare njaan cherum vareyum
1 eethu nerathum koodevarum
ente khedangal thirthutharum
ithra nalla mithrameshu
enikkennum mathiyaayavan;-
2 enne snehikkum than karangal
ellaam nanmaykkaay nalkitunnu
ellaatinum sthothram cheyyum
eppozhum santhoshikkum njaan;-
3 vettilethunna naalvareyum
vezhaathanpode sookshikkunnu
vallabhan than valankayyil
vahichenne nadathidunnu;-
4 eere naalukalillihathil
ente swargiya paarppidathil
ethum vegam dukham therum
eeridunnu aashayennil;-

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