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Ullathin Magizhchi Neerthanaiyaa
Ullathin Magizhchi Neerthanaiyaa
Illathil Yellamae Neerthanaiyaa - Yen
Yen Thevaiyellaam Neerthaanae
Jeevanulle Naalellaam
1 Vazhigal Anaithaiyum Ummidam Oppadaithaen
Yen Saarbil Seyalattrugireer
Yellamae Seithu Mudippeer
2 Pattapagalpole (Yen) Neethiyai Vilanga Seiveer
Nokki Amarnthiruppaen
Umakkaai Kaathiruppaen
3 Kobangal Yerichalgal Agatri Yerinthuvittaen
Nambiyullaen Ummiyae
Nanmaigal Seithiduvaen
4 Paathathil Vaithuvittaen Baarangal Kavalaigal - Um
Thallaada Vidamatteer Thangiyae Nadathi Selveer

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