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Vandanam vandanam shri yeshu nadanu
Vandhanam vandhanam Shri Yeshu nathanu
Vandhanam cheithidunnu
Vandhanam Vandhanam nandhiyodadiyar
Vandhanam cheithidunnu
1 Innayolamenne nadathiyallo
Manna thannenne nee pottiyallo
Thannidum sakalvum andhyam vare
Nandhiyode njan paadidume;-
2 Ninnude sannithi mohaname
Unnatha modhathin uravidame
Vannidum neram ie najangale
Divya’thejassal niryai’kaname;-
3 Jeevante mozhikal srevichadiyan
Jeevane samruthamai nediduvan
Jeevane vedinjenne veendavane
Jeevakalamellam anugrahika;-

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