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Varika suradhipa parama para
Varika Suradhipa parama para Nin
Krunasanm vazhiyay sabhayil
Oru manasodu Nin thirubhavane
Parichodadiyar varunnathu kan;- Varika
Bhakthiyodadiyar Nin thruppathathil
Prarthana chaithu varam lebhippan
Nithyavum Nin parisudhatma
Sakthi thannarulan bhajichidumpol;- Varika
Thirumanasine kurichoru manasai
Iruvaro moovaro varunnidathil
Karunayode ezhunnarulumennu
Thiruvacha aruliya Parama Sutha;- Varika
Vannadiyarude kanmashavum
Thinmayaseshavum durmanassum
Onnodasheshavum neekkidenam
Ennum mokshe adiyar nilpan; - Varika
Dootharude sthuthiyil vasikkum
Neethi swaroopanam Yehovaykum
Bhoothala rakshaka Mashihaykum
Parisudhatmavinum sthothram;- Varika

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