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Vazhi adayumpol en manam
vazhi adayumpol en manamidarum
kaalidarumpol en kan nirayum
alayoliyay irul vazhiyil
nee maathram nathaa nee maathram
alayoliyay irul vazhiyil
nee maathram nathaa nee maathram
palavuru njaan en karaluruki
kanive nin mizhi thedi
aakulanaay alayum naal
kandethi chaare en naathan
pandoru naal njaan kettene
en nindakal than athibharam
annaalil enne avan
kandethi enne than vazhiyil
oru thaangaay en paathayathil
van chuzhiyil njaan thazhaathe
than kaikail njaan nirbhayanaay
paartheedum naalenthanandam
Manju Abraham Peediakal

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