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Vishadathin aathmavente hridayathe
1 vishadathin aathmavente hridayathe moodeedumpol
yeshuvil njaan aashavache sthothrayaagam karettidum (2)
2 bhoothakaala nanmakale orthu nithyam sthuthi paadaan
thunaykkenne shuddhaathmave nin krupayil valaruvaan (2)
3 poorveekanmar vasikkunna parppidathil njaanum vanne
kaahalathin naadam kelkkaan vaanjihikkunnu sadaakalam (2)
4 thava pedama chuttum ninne nin varavil aartheeduvaan
ie lokathil vasikkumpol kamshikkunnu dasar njangal (2)
5 verpaadinte garthathil njaan koorirule darshikkumpol
niraykkente hridayathil ninte divya samaadhaanam (2)
G M John

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