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Vishvasthathayum dayayum
1 vishvastha’thayum dayayum
Vannu’cherunnithaa vegathil
kaalvari naayakane (2)
engane njaan varnnikkaathirikkum
nritham cheyaathe njaan engane nilkkum
Ezhayaamenne ie oozhiyil thaanguvaan
Yaahallaathaarume illa illa
2 Kunjaattin thiru’rakthathaal
thaangunnu bhujabalathaal (2);- engane...
3 Manassu thakarnnidumpol
hridayam nurungidumpol
thaangunnu bhujabalathaal (2);- engane...
4 seeyonen sundaraveede
than bhaktharin shashvathanaade
kaantha’nodonni’chaarrkkume (2);- engane...

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