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Yahenna daivam ennidayanaho
1 Yahenna daivam ennidayanaho
yathoru kuravumillenikkiniyum
pachappul purathenne kidathunnavan
nishchalajalam enne kudippikkunnu
2 santhathamennullam thanuppikkunnu
than thiruppathayil nadathunnenne
koorirul thazvarayathil nadannaal
saramillenikkoru bhayavumilla;-
3 unnathan ennodu koodeyundu
thannidunnaaswasam than vadiyal
enikkoru virunna nee orukkidunnu
ennude vairikalin naduvil;-
4 shirassine akhilavum anudinavum
pooshunnu saurabhya thailamathaal
ennude panapathram dinavum
unnathan karunayal kavinjidunnu;-
5 nanmayum karunayum ennayussil
unmayay thudarnnidum dinavumaho
svargeya aalayam thannilee njaan
dergha kaalam vasikkum shubhamay;-

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