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Yahovaye sthuthippin
Yahovaye sthuthippin (2)
Nerullavarude sabhayilum sangathilum
Avanu sthothram cheyvin
Vanniduvin avan paadapeedathil
Sthothrangal sthuthikalode
Ida’vidathavan neethiyeyum
Rakshayeyum varnnippin;-
Anveshippin nam Yahovaye thanne
Kanedethavnna kalathu
Vilicha’pekshichiduvin naam
Avan aduthirikumpol;-
Sevikam nammal Yahovaye
Paramartha hridayathode
Sangeetha’thodavan sannidiyil
Avany aarppiduvin;-
Sunija E K

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