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song/hymn lyrics

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Yathrayennu therumo darithriyil


Yathrayennu therumo darithriyil
Anthy-naleth’ethra duramakumo
Yathra’yennu therumo en rakshka
Aarthi’yeridunnu ninte nalinayi;-

1 Shipramami jeevitham kazinjupom
Nitya’jeevitham namuku labyamam
Athma’nayakante rajayametrayo
Mohana’mathennu kanumeza najan;-

2 Yeshu’vaneiku bhuvil’asrayam
Bhagya’shaliyanu najan dharithriyil
Anyanayorikalayirunnu najan
Iee van krupayin-ohariku yognayi;-

3 Ethrayo mahatwa’mami rakshaye
Marthaya-nameniku nalkiyennathal
Aayussinte nal muzhuvaneppozum
Vazthidum thiru mahtha’meza najan;-


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