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song/hymn lyrics

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Yatri hun mai jag me prabhuji, chalta hun marg


Yatri hun mai jag me prabhuji, chalta hun marg se tera,
Ho nishan tu hi Yeshuji, bandargaah tu mera

1. Socha tha mai yah jag mera,
Shesh kutumb sab hai pyaara,
Dhoka sab koi na sahara,
Vyarth hi vyarth hi sara

2. Dhan daulat sab manav ijjat,
Sahi rahega jal jayega,
Ye jagat paap se bhara,
Shrap hi shrap hai sara

3. Jaan gaya mai us din prabhuji,
Badala jeevan lahun se mera
Bada aanand tu ne kaha tha,
Paap kshama hua mera.

4. Is jag mai ab mai hun musafir,
Krus uthakar chata rahunga,
Paya mai anmol dhanko,
Hai jo Yeshu se mara.


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