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Yeshu ente adisthaanam aashrayam
Yeshu ente adisthanam aashrayam avanilathre
Avanenne nadaththeedunnu alayaathe marubhoomiyil (2)
Ente desam ivideyalla ee lokam saasvathamallaa
Enikkaayinne'su naayakan orukkunnundoru bhavanam (2)
Ente priyan athisundaran pathinaayirangngalil sreshdhan
Laasarine uyar-ppichchavan paapikale veendeduththavan (2)
Ente priyan vaanil varaaraay kaahalangngal muzhan-gidaaraay
Sodarare unar-nniduveen uyar-ththidaam jayakkodikal (2)
Kaaththirikkum visuddharellaam kazhukanepole gamikkum
Maddhyaakaasa maniyarayil kaanthanumaay veli-cheyyuvaan (2)

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