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Yeshu ke peeche jayenge pyarom


Yeshu ke peeche jayenge pyaarom
Yeesho ke liye jeeyenge ham
Vishwaas ke karthaa bharosamand voh
Vishwaas ke yogya Prabhu Yeeshu !

Kaalvari salib pe paapiyom keliye
Haath phailaaya kheelom keliye
Bhala-se chidaa panjar unke
Khoon bahaayaa papiyom keliye

Yeeshu ke naam se udhaar hottaa
Vishwaasiyom ka pyaara bharosa
Aasmaan ke neeche dhartthi ke ooppar
Udhaaar detta-sirf Yeeshu kaa Naam

ghar theri nayya lahrom-se dule
Daren nahi thoo niraash na ho !
Dhamega haath mein thujhe Prabhuji
Khyaal rakh kar chalayegaa

Khuda ka memna pavithra Yeeshu
Sthuthi ke yogya hei sarvadaa
Sthuthi karenge ham lalkaar ke saath
Hamd ho sannah milkar Karen


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