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Yeshuve oru vaaku mathi
1 Yeshuve oru vaakku mathi
En jeevitham maariduvaan
Ninte sannidhiyil ippol njaan
Ninte mozhikalkkaay vaanjchikkunne
Yeshuve en priyane
Ninte mrdusvaram kelppikkane
Mattonnum vendippol
Ninte oru vaakku mathi enikk
2 Marichavare uyarppichathaam
Rogikale viduvichathaam
Kodungkaatine adakkiyathaam
Ninte oru vaakku mathi enikk;-
3 Ente avasthakal maarriduvaan
Ennil rupaantharam varuvaan
Njaan erre phalam nalkaan
Ninte oru vaakku mathi enikk;-

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