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Yeshuvin sneham mathi (angente Jeevan)
1 Yeshuvin sneham mathi
jeevitha yathrayil odiduvaan
thalarathe patharathe ninnidam kanthanay
anthyam vare idaridathe
angente jeevan angente pranan
sarvvamga sundarane
angente upanidhiye angente prathiphalame
2 krooshilellaam sahichu
krooshilellaam vahichu
vedanayellaam enperkkay
sahichen yeshu jayaliyay;-
2 nandiyaal niranjidunne
kaalvari thyagam orkkumpol
enikkay raksha eekiduvaan
than jeevane yagamakki;-
angente jeevan angente pranan
sarvvamga sundarane
angennte svanthamalle angente hridayamalle
Prince Antheril

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