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Yesu Raja Munney Selkindrar Hosanna
Yesu Raja Munney Selkindrar
Hosanna Geetham Paduvom
Vegam Sendriduvom
Hosanna Jeyamey (2)
Hosanna Jeyam Namakey (2) - Yesu
1 Halleluyah Thuthi Magimai – Endrum
Halleluyah Thuthi Magimai
Yesuraja Engal Raja
Endrendrum Potriduvom - Hosanna
2 Thunbangal Soolnthu Vanthalum
Thollai Kastangal Theydi Vanthalum
Bayamum Illai Kalakam Illai
Karthar Nammudaney - Hosanna
3 Yordhanin Vellam Vanthalum
Ericho Kottai Munney Vanthalum
Bayamum Illai Kalakam Illai
Meitpar Nammudaney - Hosanna

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