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song/hymn lyrics

Kondaduvoom Naam Kondaduvoom


Kondaduvom Namm Kondaduvom
Kondaduvom Yesuvai - 2

Halleluyah Amen – 2

Santhoshamey Ini Santhoshamey
Enn Valvil Santhoshamey - 4

Thukamillai Inni Thuyaramillai
Anandham Enn Valvil - 4

Viyadhi Illai Ini Varuthamillai
Arokiyam Enn Valviley - 4


Please note that all the above lyrics are submitted by various website users and has no ownership over the data. In case of any Errors or any Edits ,Please Email us at We are happy to help you!

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