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song/hymn lyrics

Santhosh umed rehaa


Santosh umad raha 2
Santosh umad he raha
Hallelujah yeshu ne mujhe bachaya
mere paap ko dho diya
Santosh umad he raha

1. Man na phiraye hue loog,
naraak mai rote rahenge-2
Mai to sunder swarg mai
naya geet gaunga-2
Kitna aacha yeshu,
mujhe aab tak bachaya

2 Rah bhatak mai ghuum raha tha,
Uske raste mai khoya hua tha-2
Phir bhi yeshu pyar kiya
usne mujh per rehem kiya–2
Kitna aacha yeshu,
mujhe aab tak bachaya


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