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song/hymn lyrics

Sthothra endu haduvenu


Sthothra endu haduvenu raja

Manasare sthuthisuve deva

Sthothra yesu raja –ninage

Sothu hoda dinavella santhaiside

Sukha thandu iduvaregu kapadide

Hosa jeeve thandiruve

Sthothra raja

Hosa bala neediruve Sthothra raja

Ashrayave khedyave

Sthothra raja

Apthane yesuve Sthothra raja

Jotheyalle bandiruve

Sthothra raja

Edheyalle oragiside Sthothra raja

Balige belakagi bandiruve

Vakyavemba mannavannu thandiruve

Kashtadinda thappiside

Sthothra raja

Athishaya madiruve Sthothra raja

Kaledha dina kadhiruve

Sthothra raja

Hosa dina thandiruve

Sthothra raja


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