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song/hymn lyrics

Yahe ninte naamam vazhthidunnu


Yahe ninte naamam vaazthidunnu
Yahe ninte naamam pukazthidunnu
Samgethathodum sthothrathodum
Ninte naamam vazthidunnu
Ninte naamam vazthidunnu(2)

Ninte mahathwam aakasham varnniecheedumpol
Ninte krupakal bhulokam vazthedumpol
Rakshkanam nin sannidiyil njagal vanagidunnu
Palakanam nin savidhe njagal namichidunnu;-

Rogangal sahichu njan valagidumpol
Dhurithangal ente dehi thakarthidumpol
Rakshakanay nee karam pidichenne uyarthidunnu
Abhayameki nee arikil enne anachidunnu;-


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