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song/hymn lyrics

Yahova yire yire yire


yahova yire, yire, yire
yahova yire, yire, yire
than makkalkkaay daivam karuthunnunnathamay
aakulamo iniyum yahova yire

1 en hridaye samadhanam yahova yire
en bhavane sarva nanmakalum yahova yire
than makanaay jeevikkum njaan
than vazhiye nadakkum njaan
than vachanam ghoshikkum njaan
yahova yire;-

2 enikkulla aahaaram yahova yire
parppidavum vasthravum yahova yire
than roopam en vaazhvilum
than sthuthikal en naavilum
nirantharamaay sukshikkum njaan
yahova yire;-

R S Vijayaraj


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