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song/hymn lyrics

Yeshu en snehithan


Yeshu En snehithan
Yeshu En Athma Saghi
Poyidum njan yeshuvinai
Nedidam Aathmakkale (2)

Varunnu Natha Tharunnu Enne
Shakthikarikku nin velakai (2)
Yeshu en

Uyaratte yeshuvin naamam
Pakaratte yeshuvin sneham
Lokam engum poyidanai
Nalkunnu natha enne (2) Varunnu

Valarneedam kristhuvil nam
Valarthidam thalamuraye
Lokam engum poyidanai
Nalkunnu natha enne (2) Varunnu€¦

Benson Varughese


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