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song/hymn lyrics

Yeshu ente aashrayam enikkulleka


yeshu ente aashrayam
enikkulleka sangketham

1 vishamam eereyerumpol
vinakalaale neerumpol
karanju kanner thookumpol
arikil varunnaetheeshuvaam;-

2 pirinjupokum priyarum
kuranjupokum snehavum
niranja sneha nathanaay
arinju njaanen yeshuve;-

3 eliya enne thaanguvaan
enikkayellam karuthuvaan
ulaka naathan yeshuvunde
kalangavenda thaan mathi;-

4 orukkunnente veedangke
orikkal njaanum pokume
marikkuvolam thante vela
sharikku cheythu thernnengkil;-

Charles John


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