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song/hymn lyrics

Yeshu ente idayanallo


Yeshu ente idayanallo
ente bhaaram onnum vishayamalla..(2)
Kurirulil Paathakalum Pachchayaaya Pulpuravum
Enikkaay Thurannu Tharum..(2)

1 Agniyaam Sodhana Vannalum
Parihaaram Daivam Karutheettund
Sodaranmaar Ninne Veruthalum
Yosephinte Daivam Kooteyundu
Kalangenda Patharenda
Karthan Ennum Chaareyundu..(2)

2 Maarayin Vellam Madhuramaakkum
Paaraye Pilarnnu Daaham Maattidum
Aakaasaththin Kilivaathil Thurakkum
Swargaththin Nanmayaal Poshippichchidum..
Kaanunnund En Anugraham
Karthan En Karaththil Tharum..(2)

Sam Pallipad


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