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Writer's picture: Manoj PillaiManoj Pillai

What is RUN ? It is one of the sports and part of Athletics. It is a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set course.

When we talk about Run, we remember Mr. Usain Bolt, Mr. Christian Coleman ( world fastest runner of 2019), Indian sprinter Mrs. PT Usha, etc. Just imagine - what a joy and thrilling moments these persons would have experienced while receiving the medal and trophy ! The win has not just come on their way. The extent of efforts they have made, the strict training programmes they have undergone and the stringent work outs they have done, are some of the contributing factors which ultimately led to their win in the race.

We are all in one way or other way in a race or run, in our material life. There are many contestants. All are looking for a win. Nobody is thinking for a lose . If you plan to be a runner, you must proof yourself as a probable winner and then only you will be selected for the event. You will be subjected to regular practice and tough training. You will be under surveillance and necessary inputs as well as guidelines will be given to improve upon the performance. While in the track, your mind and soul must concentrate. Missing of track, even if you are a winner, will end up on losing the race.

Why I have mentioned all these is to understand that if in our material life, we are trying very hard to reach our destination or finishing line, we should know how much efforts the probable runner has to make to win the run in the spiritual life, which is compared to RUN. (1st Cor 9:24). This life is not eternal. The span of our material life is 70 years or up to 80 years rarely. With death of a man we usually say oh he has died or expired. But in fact, you know with death, the life is not coming to an end and on the other hand it is the beginning of another life. After death, the soul goes to only two places; one is Heaven and another is Hell. One has to choose where his or her soul should rest; in Heaven or Hell. Nobody would like to choose Hell as the resting place of soul, where as per Holy Bible weeping and teeth gnashing will prevail eternally. Choice is individual and personal.

As we pre-set the finishing line or destination in the run, in the same manner one should determine his or her finishing line now itself when alive, and aim to reach there. Simply you cannot reach the finishing line, you need to work hard and you have to be in the right track. The right track leading to Heaven is Lord Jesus Christ. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me"John 14:6. Here, we should not forget the fate of Mrs. Shiny Wilson who lost the gold medal in 1986 Seol Asiad just because of her changing the lane. Hence, make sure of the right lane. Perhaps, you might win the race but, if not through the right lane, all your life -time efforts will just go waste and you will be ashamed of the loss for ever and ever. We know the story of rabbit and the tortoise. While the rabbit was boasting himself, the poor tortoise was humble, though slowly but steadily inched ahead towards the finishing line. St. Paul said " I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14. St. Paul again said “I have finished my course “ II Timothy 4: 7.

Are you going to be a winning loser or a victorious winner ? Just examine.Take right decision and choose right track.

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